A home 

that enables total 


Designed with ❤️ by 3rd M Homes

Preview one of our previously published home designs:


Nutritious diet & healthy lifestyle

Our designs feature large greenhouses that provide sufficient space to grow all the fruits and vegetables needed for a small family.

There's a world of better health & less stress waiting for us on the other side of the homegrown food renaissance!

Energy generation & efficiency

The home's shape & orientation make the most of sunlight for heating in winter or evaporative cooling in summer, and by using high quality building materials, the structure maintains comfortable temperatures passively.

Residential wind turbines and solar panels create electricity to provide all of the homes remaining energy needs, storing the excess in batteries for low-generation times. No gas or other utility company needed.

Positive climate impact

Heating and cooling make up the largest ongoing energy expense of a home. With a home that runs efficiently, each of us can help secure the wellbeing of future generations.

Once we collectively eliminate the need of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, transportation, and single-use plastics, we as a society can break our dependence on Big Oil & other corporations who profit at the expense of Earth's ecology.

Affordable, durable housing

Our designs aim to make use of cost reducing technologies to build a long-lasting structure which offers comfort while reducing ongoing energy & water use. 

This is achieved by pulling inspiration from indigenous building materials, while using new components, tools, & insights from building science. The result is an efficient home with materials that can last for centuries, 

Permaculture design

By leveraging a deep understanding of the natural world, we can create homes which are integrated with productive systems, mainly passive & automated, to create abundance & minimal waste.

Starting by manually establishing & monitoring an ecosystem of productive plants, automation can continually streamline garden maintenance, reducing time & effort required for the home's residents to grow their own food.

Join the self-sufficient revolution

Let's discuss: The economy & ecology of living off-grid 

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